General Information
The study tour is a 3 (previously 4) EC master course for MLS and Chemistry students. During the tour the students will see what other countries have to offer in the area of (bio)chemistry and of course partly in culture. Apart from the tour itself, the participants need to make a case study or pre-study assignment prior to the trip. Both these assignments have a workload of about 50 hours. Case studies are usually received from research groups of a research faculty, and the payment for them is used as funding for the study tour. For preliminary studies participants research a (bio)chemical subject concerning the country of the tour. Next to that during the tour the participants each write a diary for one day, describing the things they have done during the trip.
The study tour has a maximal personal contribution for participants of 600 euros. We intend to ask for 300 euros at first, after which we will accomplish the rest using loans and provide a bill after the tour so that the participants do not need to pay more than they have to.