
April 4th 2013

Two presentations of the symposium are now available for download.

March 27th 2013

The symposium program has been posted, and the travel schedule has been updated.

February 27th 2013

Many preparations have been made and are now viewable on the site. There are now headers in the menu for our sponsors, the trip and the symposium. From now on, as arrangements become more definite, the site will likely be edited regularly.

September 17th 2012

After the summer holidays we continue planning the study tour for 2013. The tour's destination is finalized, with prof. dr. Ger Pruijn and dr. Dennis Lôwik joining us. For now, the study tour is designated as a 3 EC master course, in stead of the 4 EC mentioned before. This is due to consistency issues with the Radboud University. On Thursday September 20th we hold a meeting at 12.45 h, at which everyone is free to ask questions about the nature of the study tour. Come see us in HG00.308 if you have the chance. You can also receive a paper copy of the contract, which you are required to sign should you want to come along on the study tour of 2013. After the meeting, a digital copy will be placed on our website.
Caution! The deadline for handing in the contract required to join us in Turkey is October 31st. After this date the flight will be booked.

June 29th 2012

Our committee picture is updated. We also added the Board of Recommendation to the menu, which contains the names of people that support our study tour. The contract is also nearly finished, and the people that expressed interest in the study tour will receive an informative mail in the near future regarding the sign-up.

May 22th 2012

Changed the header of the website.

April 12th 2012

Added pages written in English.

March 27th 2012

Commission page update.

March 5th 2012

At the moment we are still constructing the site. Over time, more pages will become available containing information about the study tour. If you are interested in receiving information, you can let us know at Don't be shy to ask us questions regarding the study tour, we are happy to answer them.

February 29th 2012

The site is online.
