Travel Schedule

Below you can find an overview of our schedule in Turkey.

21 April
At 18:25 the plane departs from Dusseldorf to Istanbul (Turkish Airlines vlucht TK1528). We arrive there at 22:35. From there we will go to the Old City Esma Hostel where we will stay until the 30th of april.
22 April
10:00 - 11:30
Excursion Dutch institute in Turkey
23 April
Whole Day
National holiday in Turkey, free program
24 April
Excursion Sabanci
25 April
Complete Day
Schedule still unknown
26 April
Excursion ITU: Molecular biology & genetics department
27 April
Whole Day
(optional) trip to Princess Island
28 April
Whole Day
Free program
29 April
Whole Day
Visit to Bogazici University
30 April
Whole Day
Departure with the bus to Ankara, stay at the Ankyra Hotel. Ger Pruijn leaves for the Netherlands.
1 May
Excursion to METU
2 May
Whole Day
Excursion Bilkent University
3 May
Whole Day
Excursion to Cappadocia
4 May
Whole Day
Return to the Netherlands, leave at 12:00 via Istanbul back to Dusseldorf (flights TK2139 and TK1527), arrival 17:25.