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Study tour 2018 Chemistry & Molecular Life Sciences


The study tour committee - making it happen:
No study tour would ever become reality without the concerted efforts of a small group of volunteers—the study tour committee—investing over 1000 man-hours of work into its organisation. A great number of tasks must be performed, questions addressed and solutions come up with before participants can go on the actual journey itself. To this end, a committee is formed for each study tour that is intended to be brought off the ground.

Study Tour 2018 Chemistry & Molecular Life Sciences committee. From left to right: S.H.S. (Hakim) Hamdani, M.W.A. (René) Dekkers, N.P. (Niels) Kok, W.M. (Wesley) Ketelaars, K.H.A. (Kim) van de Ven, L.M. (Lena) Sweers. From this committee three key positions are filled—that of chairman, secretary and treasurer—as required by the articles of association of the foundation. Additionally, a number of other posts must be filled, such as those of tour commissioners, sponsorship officers and webmaster. Often, one person must fill several posts, so that progress can be made.

On this page we would like to introduce you to the hard-working committee members dedicated to bringing you the Study Tour 2018 Chemistry & Molecular Life Sciences!

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M.W.A. (René) Dekkers, chairman. René Dekkers is our chairman this year and thus head of the committee and administration. He also helps out on the sponsorship team. He is following the MSc programme in Molecular Chemistry in his first year, having recently completed a premaster programme to gain admission. He already holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemistry. In his free time he likes to attend music events and play hockey.

When asked about his motivation for taking up this demanding position he had the following to say:

"A study trip is educational and at the same time enjoyable. More reasons aren't necessary in order to be motivated to take part in its organization!"

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N.P. (Niels) Kok, secretary. Niels Kok has taken the position of secretary unto himself making sure that all progress is meticulously recorded and participants receive timely and pertinent communications. Not only for our benefit but also for that of future committees! He, too, is following the MSc programme in Molecular Chemistry in his first year via the premaster entry route and holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemistry. Niels plays the trombone in his free time as part of an orchestra.

For him, the learning aspects of the study tour are very important:

"To organise a study tour is a good opportunity to learn. Also by making the study tour happen, we are providing others with a great opportunity to learn as well. Seeing how research is done in other countries can help us reflect on our own research."

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S.H.S. (Hakim) Hamdani, treasurer. The position of treasurer is filled by S. Hakim Hamdani. He makes sure that all funds and spending are accounted for and the tour is financially viable. He also acts as one of two webmasters for the study tour website. He is following the MSc programme Chemistry for Life in his second year and already holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Chemistry and Planetary Science. Hakim devotes his free time to arcane and varied hobbies such as vintage computing, banknote collecting and world cinema.

His motivation for willfully drowning in numbers is simple:

"Taking 30+ people on an international trip costs not just a lot of effort but a lot of money, too. A good treasurer should ensure that funds are allocated in the right ways and provide transparency to participants as to where their monies have gone!"

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K.H.A. (Kim) van de Ven, tour commissioner. One of the two places for a position key to the success of the study tour, that of travel commissioner, is filled by Kim van de Ven. She enthusiastically works on making the tour programme a reality and coordinates with travel and accommodation providers in the Netherlands and abroad. She is following the MSc programme in Molecular Chemistry in her first year, having gained entry via the premaster, and already holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemistry. Kim likes to spend her free time reading good books, socialising with friends and playing korfball.

Looking forward to the time of the actual study tour, she said:

"Organising a study tour is challenging and instructive at the same time and will eventually result in two cool weeks to conclude two hard years of study!"

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L.M. (Lena) Sweers, tour commissioner. The second travel commissioner position is filled by Lena Sweers who collaborates with Kim on all aspects of making sure participants get to where they need to go and have a roof over their heads when it is time to sleep! She, too, is following the MSc programme in Molecular Chemistry in her first year and already holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Lena can spend happy hours with a good book outside of university!

Opting for the position of travel commissioner in particular she notes:

"When I go on a study tour, I expect a programme that is educational and, at the same time, not boring. I joined the committee in order to make sure that it could turn out to be the trip of a lifetime!"

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W.M. (Wesley) Ketelaars, sponsorship officer. Last but certainly not least, Wesley Ketelaars fills the very important position of sponsorship officer. He tirelessly pursues leads that can result in funding contributions to the study tour through external sponsoring by companies in the industry and internally through short-term work positions within the faculty for tour participants! He is currently in the first year of the MSc programme in Molecular Chemistry and already holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemistry. Outside of university he scours the music scene for gigs to attend, practices hard at becoming the next tennis legend and goes running to stay in shape!

Choosing to pursue sponsoring goes hand in hand with what he expects from the tour itself:

"Going abroad to exchange knowledge is very important to me. Not only is it fun, but one also builds networks, learns about new cultures and broadens one's own worldview. Additionally, organizing the tour is rewarding in itself: Because one is involved in everything from the get-go, then, if all goes well, you definitely have something to be proud of afterwards!"

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